Kako (Kato) Lagadi

How (Kato) Lagadi

beach: private property, gravel, rocks and caves

GPS: 38.12653073946913N 20.80112636089325E

On the east coast of Kefalonia, between Poros and Skala, there is the private beach Kato Lagadi, which in our humble opinion is the most beautiful beach on Kefalonia. It is 45 km from the capital Argostoli, and about 1 km north of the Limenia resort, where the tavern is located.

Since it is a private beach, there is no sign on the road, nor any direction to the beach. For this reason, we provide navigation, because there is no other way to get to it. When you get to that point, you will see a small extension in the road, where you can leave your vehicle (see the pictures we took – you will recognize the place). The beach is hidden and cannot be seen from the road. You will see a small goat path, which you should take down, on a very steep path. In some places, the descent down the rock is very difficult (almost alpinistic), but with a little adventurous spirit it can be overcome. This is a very small beach, no more than 30 meters long, which is hidden by lush greenery and attractive rocks.

We also noticed that on the newer maps of Kefalonia, there is no Kato Lagadi as a destination. Probably the owners wanted it to remain an untouched part of Kefalonia. And regardless of the fact that it is a private beach, no one prevents you from reaching it. They usually come to the beach by small boats, boats, sailboats… Generally there is no crowd and we were the only visitors in July.

To go down to the beach, we recommend sneakers, and you don’t need an umbrella because there are several beautiful caves that you can enter and enjoy. In the afternoon, the entire beach is in the shade. The water at Kato Lagadi beach is a beautiful turquoise color and is a paradise for diving lovers due to the abundance of caves and rocks. And don’t be surprised if you see a goat nearby, as they are an integral part of the landscape.

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