Drogarati cave

Drogarati cave

Drogarati Cave is one of the attractions of Kefalonia. It is a 60-meter deep cave that is full of cave decorations. It was discovered 300 years ago after an earthquake that opened the passage to it.

The air temperature in the cave is 18 degrees and the humidity is 90%, so the path is quite slippery. We recommend that you wear sneakers during the tour. The cave was opened to the public in 1963, which is also written on the sign at the entrance.

The main room in the cave is 900 square meters in size and is called the Hall of Worship because it is very acoustic, so classical music concerts are held in it and it can accommodate 500 people. Cavers have discovered some other passages that are believed to lead to other underground rooms that have not yet been explored.

Drogarati Cave is located 5 km from Sami on the east coast of Kefalonia.

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