Vromoneri beach

Vromoneri beach

Vromoneri means “dirty water”, but the beach is quite the opposite. Vromoneri beach has natural beauty and is the perfect environment for relaxation and enjoyment. Basically, the beach is sandy, with a few stones. It is surrounded by rocks, and the water is crystal clear, ideal for diving. On the beach itself there are very interesting rock formations, ideal for exploring. There is also a small chapel.

On the right side of the beach there are accommodation facilities in the form of apartment accommodation, which is an ideal location for a relaxed stay. The place itself is extremely isolated, peaceful and we recommend it to everyone who wants to really rest and relax. There is also a restaurant with local cuisine.
An asphalted road leads to the beach, from which you switch to a worse dirt road, which goes all the way to the church where there is a small parking lot. Access to the beach is via the stairs along the coast. Vromoneri beach is rarely crowded, even in the peak season.

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