Afytos beach

Afytos Town Beach is also the largest beach and can be reached on foot or by tourist car. The beach is four kilometers long and stretches beneath a hill full of greenery.

The water is transparently clear and the waves flood the sandy beach full of parasols and lounges of local caterers, which are most often issued on the principle: a lounge chair goes with a drink!
In some parts of the beach, slippery smooth rocks, at the entrance and in deeper water, are attractive as well as danger, so caution is not out of the question as well as the proximity of deep water, sometimes hedgehogs under the rocks. In a word: beauty with caution!

Apart from the main, Afytos has four other beaches that should not be left out, regardless of whether you are a guest of the local hotels referred to them: Punta, Varkes, Muduna and Liosi.

Afytos beach – map

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