Lepeda beach

Lepeda beach

If you are looking for a beach with fine, fine sand – Lepeda beach is the right place for you. At the very entrance to the water, on the left side, there is a large rock, which creates a small natural pool. On the right is a beautiful sandy beach, which is ideal for small children. From the aforementioned natural pool (where the water is warmer) to the beach, you are ten steps away.

There is a small parking lot on Lepeda beach, but it is not very crowded. If you arrive early, you can find a place in the shade.

Lepeda also has a small cafe with sunbeds, a changing room, a shower and a small beach volleyball court.

The right side of the beach stretches for about a hundred meters, changing from fine sand to small pebbles. Along the entire Lepeda beach, entering the water is gentle, so on this beach we saw the most families with small children of all on Kefalonia.

You can reach the beach from the town of Lixouri (2-3 kilometers), and you can reach Lixouri by car (a road that is not really recommended) or by ferry from Argostoli, which runs every half hour.

The biggest attraction of Lepeda beach (for which we especially recommend a tour) is the church of Agia Paraskevi, built in a cave, which is located at the end of the beach. The church was built in 1568, in 1668 it was converted into a monastery, but destroyed in an earthquake in 1953. We visited this church in July 2015 (found it locked, like all the other churches we visited) and saw that the church in to the smaller cave on the right, the newly built church is in good condition, and we also noticed the old roof that still stands the test of time.

There was no one to ask about all the details related to the history of the church, and the legend that the water dripping from the cave wall cures eye infections.

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