
The journey through Northern Evia continues with the town of Oreoi (headquarters of the municipality of the same name).

The name is taken from the ancient city of Oreos. The city was founded by the Athenian generals Tolmides and Pericles in 447 BC, when they granted land settlement for 2,000 Athenian members of the Cleruchy colony. After the Peloponnesian War, the city fell into the hands of the Spartans, who expelled the Athenians. Later, the city fell into the hands of Macedonians and Romans (200 BC)

This is a developing tourist destination, with a beautiful harbor, where many can enjoy very fresh fish. The village is known for its exceptionally high-quality ouzers (taverns) located in front of the beaches. Oreoi is a very popular tourist destination. Both in the summer and winter months, there is boat transport to the village of Trikeri on Pelion and to Volos.

What will delight you, in addition to all the beauties of this village, is the well-known funeral monument marble Bik, located right next to the sea, from the 4th century BC. The statue was erected in 1965. The animal is represented in a standing position, head bent, in an attacking position. The lower part of the legs, below the knees, as well as the horns are missing.
There are also the ruins of the ancient Acropolis, of which only parts of the wall are visible, as well as the remains of Byzantine and medieval cities. Also visit the Byzantine church of Agios Vassilios, which is believed to have been built on the site of a previously existing ancient temple. Also visit the Church of Panagia Nisiotisaan in Neos Pyrgos.

The Oreoi Archaeological Collection, which is displayed in the town hall near the beach, next to a marble statue of a bull, is worth a visit as it includes finds from the region, most of which date from the Hellenistic and Byzantine periods.

The surroundings are ideal for fishing, both from the beach and from boats, along the Oreoi channel with the beautiful island of Argyronissos, located only 2 nautical miles away.

Fans of alternative forms of tourism will find the possibility of boat cycling (around the villages of Kamatriades and Taxiarchis), as well as the possibility of horseback riding. Of course, there are also many hiking trails.

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