Pantazi Ammos

Pantazi Ammos beach is located in the southeast of Pelion, just 5 km from the small village of Syki. The road to the village is excellent, but there is a big downhill for the last 300 m to the beach itself, so it is recommended to leave the car up there.

Pantazi Ammos beach is a large and long beach, with many rocks and various rock formations. There are a couple of private houses along the beach itself. The beach is dominated by gray gravel and sand. The beach is not organized, there are no facilities. Due to its large expanse, it is never crowded.

Also, because of the large pebbles when entering the water, water shoes are recommended. Waves are a frequent occurrence at Pantazi Ammos beach, and the conclusion is that the beach is more suitable for the younger population. Also recommended for diving and underwater photography enthusiasts. The water is extremely clean and crystal blue.

The nearest beach nearby is Potoki. We advise you to take everything with you to the beach, because the nearest store is in Syki. Our team went around the beach in the afternoon, there were only a few people on the beach, but the sun went down behind the hills. If any of the visitors has a better picture, they can send it to us, and we will publish it and sign it. Although our pictures are not bad either 🙂 We also took pictures of signposts in the town of Syki, and the island of Skiathos, on which there is a beautiful view when driving to Pantazi Ammos beach.

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